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25-29 Janvier 2006, Sikasso, Mali

A Citizens Jury for Democratic Deliberation on GMOs and the future of farming in Mali


What is the Citizens' Jury on GMOs?
As indicated by its name, this Citizens' Jury is a space to share knowledge, dialogue and inform decisions on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in relation to the future of farming in Mali. This will involve farmers, -men and women-, from all districts of the Sikasso region in Mali.

When and Where will this take place?
The Citizens' Jury on GMOs will take place in Sikasso between 25 and 29 January 2006.

Who organises it?
The Citizens' Jury on GMOs will be organised by the Regional Assembly of Sikasso, with conceptual and methodological support by the Réseau Interdisciplinaire Biosécurité (RIBios) of the Institut Universitaire d’Etudes du Développement in Geneva and by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) in London. This project is supported by funds from the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS). A Steering Committee was set up in June 2005 to develop and plan the Citizens' Jury. This Steering Committee is made of approximately 15 members representing the following institutions:
• Regional Assembly of Sikasso
• Centre Djoliba
• Assemblée Régionale de Sikasso
• Centre Djoliba
• Jubilé 2000
• Institut d’Economie Rurale (IER)/Comité Régional de la Recherche Agronomique
• (CRRA)
• Compagnie Malienne de Développement des Textiles (CMDT)
• Association des Organisations Professionnelles Paysannes (AOPP)
• Union Rurale des Radios et Télévisions (URTEL)/Radio Kene
• Comité Régional de Concertation des Ruraux (CRCR)
• Coordination Régionale des ONG (CR/ONG)
• Jekasy/Intercoopération
• Chambre d’agriculture
• Commission Régionale des Utilisateurs de la Recherche (CRU)
• Syndicat des Producteurs de coton et vivriers (SYCOV)
• Syndicat pour la Valorisation des Cultures Cotonnières et Vivrières (SYVAC)
• International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) de Londres
• Réseau Interdisciplinaire Biosécurité (RIBios)/IUED Genève

See the Timetable of Expert Witness Presentations

Independent Oversight Panel Name

Name Organisation
Mr Ousmane Sy* Centre d'expertises politiques et institutionnelles en Afrique (CEPIA).
Mme Danielle Bütschi Consultante indépendante ayant travaillé avec le Centre d'évaluation des choix technologiques TA-SWISS, Suisse
Mr Bara Gueye Directeur, Innovation Environnement et Dé veloppement (IED), Sénégal
Mr Mohamed Haidara Directeur, Afrique Verte, Mali
Mme Nora McKeon Terra Nuova, Italie
Mr. Mouhamadou Traoré point focal du Protocole Biosecurité , Secrétariat, Mali.
Mr Jean Luc Virchaux Directeur DDC/SDC, Bamako, Mali

*Mr Ousmane SY is the president of the Independent Oversight Panel of the Citizens' Jury on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and the future of agriculture in Mali
Citizens' Jury Diagram

What are the Objectives of the Citizens' Jury?
The Citizens' Jury will allow farmers of the region:
1) to better understand what are GMOs and what the risks and advantages they carry;
2) to confront view points and cross examine expert witnesses, both in favour and against GMOs and the industrialization of agriculture,
3) to formulate recommendations for policies on GMOs and the future of farming in Mali.

Who is involved?
The Citizens' Jury focuses on farmers/producers of the Sikasso region. The population of the region is more than 1,600,000 inhabitants, it is therefore necessary to engage in a selection process to determine the particiipants of the Citizens' Jury. Approximately 43 participants coming from the 7 districts of the region will be chosen as jurors. This selection will be done with the support local organizations and structures, on the basis of a pre-selection of 290 farmers from all districts. A set of clear and transparent criteria have been defined to allow a fair representation at the Citizens' Jury of the diverse types of farmers of the region (e.g. small, medium size farms). This jury selection process emphasised the need for equal representation of different farmers, in particular women and small scale producers.

Links to other Citizens Juries:
Citizens' Juries on GMOs and farming futures in India
Des petits paysans et des marginaux ruraux s'expriment sur l'agriculture et les OGM, Revue Durable (French only)
Revue Durable (pdf)

Barbara Bordogna Petriccione (RIBios coordinator)

Dr Michel Pimbert, IIED Project Coordinator











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