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Biosafety Interdisciplinary Certificate for Francophone Africa (CIBAF)


The Institut Supérieur de Formation et de Recherche appliquée (ISFRA) - University of Bamako - and RIBios will organize the second edition of the Interdisciplinary Course in Biosafety for Francophone Africa in Mali, from October 2008 to January 2009.

The course has a regional focus (for French-speaking Africa) and is targeted towards researchers, teachers, NGO-representatives, farmer organisation leaders and policy-makers. In addition to biotechnology and biosafety, topics covered will include: the ethical and cultural implications of biotechnology, the economic effects, and relevant international and national legal frameworks.
The course is taught in French, and includes a part of instruction at Bamako University and a part of personal work.

Download the leaflet of presentation of the CIBAf 2008, only in French (pdf)

Download the inscription form, only in French (doc)

Download the CIBAF 2006 regulation, only in French (pdf)

For more information, please contact : biosecurite@gmail.com


> webmaster
RIBios - IHEID - 20, rue Rothschild - Case postale 136 - 1211 Genève 21, Switzerland - Tél. ++41 22 908 44 93
mise à jour : 11.10.2008